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Contact SustainaLab

Do you want to collaborate on sustainability challenges with the University of Amsterdam, companies and/or governments? We are looking forward to hearing from you.

SustainaLab, Matrix ONE building - room 0.04
Science Park 301, 1098 XH Amsterdam

How to get here

Amsteradm Science Park has its own train station, from there it is a five minute walk to Matrix ONE. 
There is a direct train connection to Amsterdam Central Station and Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. 
Bus 40: from Amsterdam Amstel and Amsterdam Muiderpoort. 
Bus 240: from Amsterdam Amstel, only during rush hour.
Follow the signs to find the right parking spaces on Amsterdam Science Park. Parking in public (paid) car park P1 (closest to Matrix ONE) or P7
There is a bicycle parking in the Matrix ONE building. 
Matrix ONE is fully accessible for wheelchair users. The building features ground-floor access and is equipped with elevators.